Tonight is the private view of a Showcase Exhibition which marks the end of a course I have been attending in Wolverhampton. I am quite excited about it! The five course attendees, including myself, are exhibiting a diverse range of artwork, most of which is for sale. The exhibition is in the Foyer Building exhibition space at the City Learning Quarter, Old Hall Street in the centre of Woverhampton.
It continues until Friday the 27th of February and is open from Monday to Thursday from 9am – 8pm and Fridays from 9am –4pm with the exception of Half Term week beginning the 13th of February when it will be open Monday to Friday from 9-4pm.
Creative Connections: new courses starting next month Creative Connections – Survival skills for artists moving into self-employment. Next courses start on the 21 st February 2012 at ...Follow the link for details of the next Creative Connections courses.